
The biggest question at the moment is maintaining productivity while needing to work from home during this period. Now, I am no expert here – I struggle to work from home with my laptop, comfortable bed, lots of food, and pillows everywhere. But yes – there are some ways to help alleviate the strain of actually being productive.

Let’s first talk about ROUTINE.

Most of us have some kind of morning routine. Whether that be waking up at 7, heading to the gym for 45 minutes then returning home to shower, OR waking up at 7 and getting the kids ready for school before making breakfast for the family – we all have something we absolutely have to do in the morning.


Tip 1: Replicate the routine.

Try your best to match your going-to-where-you-need-be routine as much as you can. This means if you woke up at 6:30 to catch the train, keep waking up at 6:30. Instead of catching the train of course, invest in an activity to substitute this time. Maybe you read on the train for 40 minutes? Let’s do this at home, in some fresh air (if possible) away from the television. Otherwise do a 40 minute YouTube workout routine (or one you already know!) to make up the same amount of time and add a fantastic habit in its place.

Tip 2: Cooking at home

It’s a great time for some home cooking, and I am so sure you have noticed the sheer increase in Instagram posts with people showing off their culinary skills. Now is as good time as ever to to learn some new recipes, but also get into the healthy eating habit. Cook fresh, and cook balanced meals.

Personally I am a HUGE advocate for home cooking and really knowing what goes into your body. This is super important (even coming from a food reviewer!). There are so many reasons for this beyond saving money and not being able to eat out. Watch your skin improve, your energy levels improve and incredibly see how your mind improves it’s capability.

Having your meals prepared means you can maintain your 40-60 minute lunch times, morning and afternoon tea too!


Tip 3: Lighting

Invest in creating a space with adequate lighting. Businesses spend a lot of money to create office environments with well lit desk spaces. If you don’t have windows in the right direction to illuminate the room during the day then invest in proper lighting and lamps to help this.

Make sure you that you are not creating a shadow onto your space – believe it not this is going to tire you out quicker!

Tip 4: Chair height

Again, offices invest a lot in the OHS of the work space. So do the same for your home office and ensure your eye-line is in line with the top of the desktop screen/laptop screen. There’s plenty of information regarding this, and I have included a little info-graphic to help out.


Tip 5: Dress the part!

No one is saying wear a suit and tie, or a pant suit to your home office, BUT it’ll certainly help if you at least wear casual-Friday-style clothing to set you up for a day in the office.

This tip is perhaps one of the most important one. The psychology of readying yourself for work gets you into the pace of going to the office

These are 5 tips to keeping yourself productive while in self-isolation/social distancing and working from home. Hopefully they work or you!

Have you got other tips or tricks? Comment below and let us know!

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